Work. Be Silent. Consume. Die. These chilling words are silk screened onto upcycled tees, crewnecks, and posters. A design for the Veuxdo Child project, this tee is intended to bring to light the cycle that too many fall into living in a consumerist society. Most are unaware of what they’ve bought into.
Walking down the street rocking this tee is not easy— many people have reported getting strange looks, and I’ve been laughed at by elders while vending this design. On the flip side, this tee can also bring people together and spark interesting conversation about our role in society, our dreams, and how we intend to live our lives outside of this cycle. On one such instance at the Fillmore Art Walk in San Francisco, a fellow musician and I were photographed wearing our tees by Lenore Chinn, an amazing realist painter and merited Bay Area artist. This warm conversation resulted in a feature in the SF Chronicle, as Chinn had chosen to paint us as a new featured piece in her Cultural Confluences exhibit at the Luggage Store Gallery.