Love you too, Hawai‘i

a love note to Hawai‘i, photographic zine, and benefit project

Over the years, I’ve appreciated the beauty of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i during visits with family. Being from the Bay Area, we’re relatively close to the islands, and my parents have been lucky enough to enjoy its beauty since before I was born. Since moving to O‘ahu for health reasons in 2016, I’ve watched the face of the island rapidly change, and have seen an increasing juxtaposition of urban infrastructure impacting the health of the land. I often wonder how glorious it must’ve been before; and acknowledge that while I realize that it would be difficult to go back, we’re all responsible for how we move forward. This land and sea and people have welcomed me, continue to hold me, and provide an atmosphere where my health can actually thrive. However, I don’t want that to be a one-way street. For us to live sustainably, it can’t be. 

I started taking photos on hikes around 2011, around the time I started picking up photography. I’ve always been drawn to the majesty and genius of nature. Naturally, I’ve accumulated a ton of photos of nature, so I decided to make something of it. I also wanted to make sure that while I’m here, I’m contributing to the wellbeing and responsible stewardship of the place I now call home. I could just make a thing, but why not make a thing that helps? While I know money as a concept doesn’t pay nature directly, I know I [can] give funds to support people who are modeling responsible land stewardship here in Hawai‘i. When I reached out to see who was doing that here, shining light and fellow artist Alishia (@kahea_mana_hina) referred me to an organization called Kupu Hawai‘i, whose mission is to ’empower future generations to create a more sustainable, pono Hawai‘i.’ Ayyye. So, this zine is my way of saying thanks in the form of 64 pages of photos I’ve taken from 2011-2019, along with a lovenotepoem from me to Hawai‘i. (:

Get a zine here

50% of all profits from this zine will be going towards Kupu Hawai‘i, a Honolulu-based 501(c)3 non-profit, Kupu empowers future generations to create a more sustainable, pono Hawai‘i. The organization provides hands-on training programs that educate and mentor youth to become stewards of our culture and environment, helping them develop a strong connection to the place in which we live.
Donations will be made after all zines of the limited run have been sold.


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