In the summer of 2018, Openi worked with the youth participants at GIRLFLY to illustrate a series of posters summarizing their takeaway from the oral histories they collected from three activists living and working in San Francisco's Tenderloin district.

The 2018 Summer Arts & Activism Project brought 20 young women from the Bay Area to:
+ Get hands-on experience in aerial and site specific dance
+ Earn $500
+ Create original dances for performance
+ Learn from working with professional dance artists
+ Learn about issues of girls’ empowerment and social justicE
+ Conduct an activism project
+ Investigate poetry, journalism, and oral history writing
+ Connect with young women across neighborhoods, schools, ethnicity, and sexual orientation

While spending time with the youth participants at Girlfly, I also documented their creative process via film, and interviewed some of them on their experience with Girlfly, as they prepared for their final performance at the end of the program:
Visit Girlfly on the interwebs